Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Can green living and the HOA live in harmony?

Interesting article in the Wall Street Journal, here, on a situation where a homeowners association threatened legal action against a resident for drying he laundry outside on a clothesline. According to the article washing/drying clothes is the #3Link consumer of energy in a home after refrigerators and lights.

Wonder how Sacramento HOA's would feel about this. Any want to weigh in? Would be great to see some HOA's that are helping make the neighborhood a better place and helping home values that way. Hmmm....I live in an area, Serrano, with a particularly strong HOA, I think I might have to have a talk with them.

Might be interesting to have someone from the California Association of Homeowners Associations, at the Sacramento Region Clean Energy Showcase on October 11 at UC Davis.

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